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middle aged woman pregnant.

Your Guide to Pregnancy After 35


It’s no secret that many women are waiting longer to begin a family. They want to accomplish some personal goals like completing their graduate degrees or reaching professional milestones. They make the decision to put pregnancy on the back burner, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t serious about wanting a baby.

woman holding an iud.

What IUD Is Best for Me?


What IUD is best for me? There are multiple factors involved in deciding upon the best IUD. It Is always best to get a recommendation from a skilled gynecologist like our board-certified OBGYNS in Smithfield and Clayton, NC. Keep reading to learn more.

younger woman with menopause symptoms.

What You Should Know About Premature Menopause


Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when ovaries stop releasing eggs and estrogen levels drop. It usually occurs gradually over a period of time known as perimenopause. This natural part of aging comes with many side effects and normally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.

older woman smiling.

PCOS And Menopause: What You Should Know


If you are nearing menopause, there are many subtle and not so subtle changes that await you. If you also have PCOS, a hormonal disorder, you may wonder if it will end once you reach menopause or even perimenopause. PCOS and menopause: what you should know.