Obstetrical Care in Smithfield, NC
Specializing in prenatal care
The following healthcare services focus specifically on the care and treatment of women before and during their pregnancy, at childbirth and during the period of recuperation following childbirth:
- Family planning and preconception counseling
- Birthing options
- Prenatal care and testing
- Perinatal care and support (for the period 3 months before pregnancy and up to one year after birth)
- Obstetrical anesthesia
- High-Risk pregnancies including blood disorders, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes
- Midwifery Services
- Labor and delivery care
- Postpartum care
- Postpartum depression
- Postpartum hemorrhage
- Male infant circumcision
OB Resources
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Access our online library of topics related to pregnancy and childbirth.
Obstetrical Calendar
What to expect throughout your pregnancy.
Safe Medications Chart
Reference our online Safe Medications Chart.
Prenatal Ultrasounds
What to expect and more.