Category: Obstetrics

Twin Pregnancy And Beyond: A Guide For New Parents

Before the days of ultrasound, parents of twins had no idea they were about to have “double the fun.” Today parents can find out they are going to be parents of multiples well ahead of birth. This affords them time to prepare both physically and mentally. It’s a big challenge and requires some organization and the right mindset. Twin pregnancy and beyond: a guide for new parents. Continue reading “Twin Pregnancy And Beyond: A Guide For New Parents”

Your Guide to Pregnancy After 35

It’s no secret that many women are waiting longer to begin a family. They want to accomplish some personal goals like completing their graduate degrees or reaching professional milestones. They make the decision to put pregnancy on the back burner, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t serious about wanting a baby. They know it would have been easier to get pregnant in their twenties, however, they recognize that it is still doable. If that describes you, here is your guide to pregnancy after 35.

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Preeclampsia Warning Signs: Before & After Delivery

Preeclampsia is a serious condition that may happen after the 20th week of pregnancy or after giving birth. It causes high blood pressure and other issues which can stress your heart and cause problems during and after pregnancy. Keep reading to learn more about preeclampsia warning signs before and after delivery.

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How Pregnancy Affects The Immune System

We might call it an old wives tale, but scientists used to think a woman’s immune system became weaker when she was pregnant. We have learned that is not exactly the case. Sometimes, it can actually get stronger. With this relatively new news let’s review how we now know pregnancy affects the immune system.

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Understanding The Different Types Of Pregnancy Ultrasounds

One of the greatest joys for new parents is being able to see their baby through the miracle of an ultrasound. It was not invented until the late 50s, and today understanding the different types of pregnancy ultrasounds highlights how this technology has improved.

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